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19300 Ford Road
Dearborn, MI  48128 - United States



(313) 336-6200


(313) 336-4530

Youth Ministry

Our Mission:
The mission statement of the Youth Ministry is to provide the youth, ages 11-16, the moral and religious foundations to become followers of Christ and faithful Armenian Apostolic members of their communities.

Our Vision:
Our vision for the youth ministry is one that serves the youth with a safe, loving, honest, and helpful community where they can relate their everyday lives to our church, faith, and deep religious Armenian Apostolic history.

Core Values:

  • Trust: Our first priority is instilling trust within our youth ministry among the youth, leaders, minister, and clergy. In order for our students to accept the messages we present to them, there must be mutual trust that allows us to put aside any hypocrisy and share the teachings in The Bible with relevant moral issues.
  • Empowerment: Our ministry is driven by what our youth is facing every day and applied to how they can use our religion to guide them. It is critical that the youth is empowered to transform their lives by taking an active role in driving the conversation and program within the parish.
  • Connection: We seek to build a community where the youth creates a connection with themselves, each other, and their leaders.
  • Faith and Prayer: Equip the youth to be faithful servant leaders in the community, embrace their call to ministry and to empower them to put their faith into action in their daily lives.
  • Fun: We want our youth to enjoy themselves, laugh and feel comfortable with each other. We’ll do this through games, social outings, retreats, and sharing meals together.


Meeting Schedule
The youth ministry meets on the third Friday of each month.

Youth Ministers
Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian
Gregory Karapetian
Mike Crane

To join the group, please contact Fr. Hrant at 857-318-9799 or by email at fr.hrant@gmail.com.