Poon Paregentan (25 files in this album)
19300 Ford Road
Dearborn, MI 48128 - United States
(313) 336-6200
(313) 336-4530
St. Sarkis Sunday School sponsored its 2nd annual Poon Paregentan Celebration and Costume Party for the community on February 22, 2014. Adults and children alike enjoyed dressing in imaginative costumes, feasting on wonderful and abundant food, dancing to fun music, having their faces painted, and participating in numerous fun and exciting games &ndash all in a carnival style atmosphere. A highlight of the evening was the suspenseful costume contest.
Many thanks go to the Rasizzi, Der Stepanian, and Vartanian-Gibbs families for planning and coordinating another successful and enjoyable Paregentan, before we all prepare for the Lenten season.